Posts Tagged With: Imagination Station

Anchor Deep Into Dreamtreaders: An Interview with Wayne Thomas Batson

I recall the first time I saw a Wayne Thomas Batson book, I was in a Borders (I miss those stores and their apple cider) in Peoria, Illinois. There on a table in the teen section sat Isle of Swords, I couldn’t help but pick it up and read the back cover. At the time I had just finished college, and hadn’t yet been immersed in the world of publishing. Still I was drawn in by the story and quickly made the purchase. Well I’m proud to say that 7 years later and almost as many books, Batson is still delivering exciting fiction. Without another word, check out my interview with him about his new series.

Brock: How did you come up with the idea for Dreamtreaders?

Wayne Thomas Batson: I found an article online about the science of dreams. It blew me away. I mean, dreams have always been a curiosity. Sometimes they leave us with such a feeling of “I’ve been somewhere new” or “That was so real.” But to discover that there is actually a field of science devoted to dreaming, that was news to me. After a little more research, I realized that dreams may be worth exploring in fiction.

Brock: That sounds cool. I know I’ve woken up in the middle night, thinking wow that was just weird. Tell us about the main characters?

Wayne: Archer Keaton has the same issues as any other high school freshman: fitting in, standing out, bullies, crushes, etc. But he’s got one additional issue: he’s a Dreamtreader, one of three people chosen each generation to protect humanity in the realm of dreams. Rigby Thames is another freshman, but he’s arrived halfway through the school year and carrying a suitcase of mysteries, including a Mad Uncle who might have been guilty of murder. Kara Windchil is a young lady with plans. Also just a freshman, Kara knows what she wants in life and how she’s going to get there. She’s always seen something special in Archer, but when Rigby arrives, she becomes distracted. Her ambitions change and a secret hobby threatens to lead her into uncharted territories.Honestly, the plot of the story came first. But once I had the general storyline, all these people leaped into my mind to carry out the story.

Brock: If I had a nickel for every character that came out of the woodwork during my writing. It’s amazing how characters come to life. In three sentences what is this book about?

Wayne: What if Dreams were much more than we ever imagined? What if a threat loomed within the realm of dreams, a threat to everything and everyone we hold dear? And finally, what would happen if people gained the power to control their dreams?

Brock: Intriguing! What is the biblical background or basis for the series?

Wayne: Dreams play a pretty significant role in the Bible. Just do a search, and you’ll see that some very important events occurred due to dreams. So, the general topic (dreaming) is of Biblical importance. But as the story developed, a new theme began to dominate: the idea of having anchors of truth. When people have God and the Bible as their anchors, they can withstand any storm. But when we lose sight of those anchors, we invite disaster.

Brock: That’s so true. How many books are planned for this series?

Wayne: Three books. Book 1 will be out May 6th. Book 2, later in the year.

Brock: That sounds like an aggressive schedule, but your fans and I thank you! Did you outline the entire series, or do you write as you go and let the characters take control of the story?

Wayne: I outlined all three books. I need the structure, and having the major plot points worked out ahead of time reduces the number of rewrites I have to do. But my outlines aren’t carved in stone. There’s enough flexibility in them that, if an epic idea shows up later, I can always change the outline. And keep in mind, the characters really don’t take control of the story. Even in seat-of-the-pants writing, the author is still in control. But no matter how you write, you want your characters to have real personalities and make decisions that are true to their identity and situation.

Brock: Any certain research required for the book, or is it all straight from your imagination?

Wayne: I had to do a bit of research on the fields of Sleep Science, Sleep Physiology, and Lucid Dreaming. This wasn’t too taxing, however, because it’s all very cool stuff.

Brock: What do you hope kids take away from the series?

Wayne: Back to the “Anchor” theme. No generation in the history of the world has ever seen its moral compass destroyed then this generation’s has been. Politics, news media, entertainment, music, social media, peers, and even ill-informed parents are sending mixed messages (at best) or false messages to our children. And we dress up those messages with lacey labels like “tolerance” or “fairness” or even “loving,” but it’s really societal poison. If kids don’t have anchors, the solid truths they will stand on no matter what, then they will get washed out to sea and drown in sin.

Brock: Is it difficult to be accurate to Biblical perspective/facts when writing fiction fantasy?

Wayne: It’s not difficult to write fantasy fiction from a Biblical perspective. Not hard at all. What’s difficult is having to break through walls of “well intentioned” Christians who object to just about anything on the ground that it’s not Biblical because they wouldn’t do it that way. Drives me crazy how some Christians go after other Christians—why? Just because they are uncomfortable with the means by which the Gospel of Jesus is being spread. Can’t Heavy Metal Music spread the Gospel? Is God so powerless that He cannot touch a child’s heart through a story with unicorns or wizards? The apostle Paul would want to slam his head against a wall if he saw the picky attitudes of some Christians today. He was the one who immersed himself in a variety of cultures just so that, by any means, he might save a few. There is freedom in Christ, remember? And that freedom extends to creative expression.

Brock: What are some of the strongest influences on your writing?

Wayne: I’m an author’s mutt. I mean, I’ve read so many authors in so many genres that I really have no idea whose style I most emulate. I suppose Tolkien’s sense of the grand adventure is something I really want to capture. But I like the pacing of modern authors better. And I like to include a lot of poetic technique in my writing. In poetry, one thing you learn very quick is not to waste words. That’s really handy for writing novels too.

Brock: How do you write? What’s a normal writing day like for you?

Wayne: There’s no such thing as a normal writing day for me. I’m a full time English teacher at a public middle school in Maryland. I have four teenaged kids, a wonderful wife, and a handful of very close friends. But, as a result of these blessings, the one thing I do not and cannot possibly have is a regular time to write. It just isn’t there. Therefore, I write whenever I can. An hour here, two hours there, fifteen minutes too. It all counts.

Brock: Wayne thanks so much for the interview. And I totally understand the fifteen minutes here, an hour there.

Wayne: One last thing for readers to remember: Anchor first. Anchor deep.

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Sonic the Hedgehog versus Harry Potter: Let’s Motivate Kids

Motivate Kids to Read and Write!

I hated reading. I really didn’t enjoy writing, and my grades reflected it. I wasn’t exactly the prospect for becoming an author. Why did I need to read when I had Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega Genesis? There was always a new Sonic game and a more enhanced Dr. Robotic to beat. I’d sit for hours in my blue video-rocker-chair glued to that black controller, connected to my character through a five foot black chord.

Occasionally I’d venture outside with my friends, but that addictive little blue hedgehog always called me back. I remember one of my friends trying to get me to read Louis Lamoure, I think I made it halfway through a chapter. I’d skim the required reading books, and the grades on my book reports would prove it. In High School, my streak of ‘not reading’ continued and my writing reflected the minimum page or word count required to get a B or C.

It wasn’t until college that I read a book because I wanted to. The series I chose is the oft hated, but mostly beloved Harry Potter series. Now some of you reading this are already averting your eyes, and that’s okay; that’s your choice, like reading the books was mine. But let me share with you what the series did for me and many other kids like me; it got me excited about reading. We could debate the magic of the Harry Potter world as good, bad, etc. but the real magic about the books was the creative world that drew young readers in. My imagination was opened and the characters felt like friends. In fact, it inspired me to become an author. Before I talk about the writing thing, let’s take a bit of a tangent first.

Now, why did I decide to pick these books up? Well I met this beautiful girl, and we challenged each other to see who could finish the entire series first. The only title not out was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The only reason I was able to catch up to her was because we both had to wait for the release of the final book. We sat in a Borders bookstore (sadly they went the way of the dodo bird) and waited for the midnight release of the final installment. It was a whole lot of fun with all the dressed up fans everywhere and the ‘Great Snape Debate.’ Personally I thought in the end we’d find out he was using Voldemort and was the real bad guy, but alas I was wrong.

The next few days were devoted to reading as much as possible and I am proud to say I won. Though my win is still under protest until this day. Here is why my winning is under debate. Early on in our competition, we went to a friend’s house for a nice home cooked Italian dinner. As we ate, I excused myself from the dinner table to use the restroom. As I passed my girlfriend’s purse I slipped out her copy of The Half Blood Prince and took it with me. Then I proceeded to read it for the next half hour, needless to say my absence in the restroom for so long, was causing everyone else some concern, but no one checked and I made quite a bit of ground on my reading. Now with that confession over, you can judge if I won or not. But I did indeed win in the long run, because the girl married me!

So Harry Potter inspired me to read and it also inspired me to write, but the writing thing is twofold. One I thought how cool would it be to create my very own world, or at least my very own characters. And two I want to write a book series that is a bit more ethical than Harry Potter. You see my real beef with the Harry Potter series is not the magic, because, sorry to burst your bubble, but magic isn’t real. My opposition to the series is the lack of an honorable hero. You see, though Harry appears to be a great hero, he sort of got there through a whole lot of lying, disobedience, and arrogance at times. To tell kids that Harry is a hero, when he overcame evil by committing many wrongs of his own, seems wrong. Sure little Billy, steal that candy bar as long as in the end you overcome a great trial. NO! WRONG!

I wanted to give readers characters they could really look up to, characters they could learn from and trust. Something else I wanted to do, specifically for The Quest for Truth, was provide a story without unnecessary death. This wasn’t in reflection of Harry Potter, but of many series for kids and young adults, and not just in the secular marketplace. How often do our kids read of a sword slicing through someone, or a gun fight? We probably wouldn’t let them watch it on TV, so why would we let them read it in a book?

So with the desire to provide authentic moralistic heroes and a story-line without unnecessary death, I began writing The Quest for Truth. And though this kid who hated reading and writing, hadn’t read anything until he was in college, and hadn’t written anything larger than a few thousand word research paper, wrote a 100,000 word manuscript with no prospect of getting it published. After all I was a college student in the middle of the cornfields of Illinois getting a degree in Marketing. It wasn’t until later that God opened up some pretty amazing doors.

The fact is God has His plans for us. Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV) says; ‘For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.’

So what are you waiting for? You just read a 1000 word article; go read a book. Perhaps you’ll be inspired to write one of your own!

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A Storm of Reading is in Your Forecast: An Interview with Mary Weber

Storm Siren is an exciting tale set in a fantastic world that Mary Weber brings to life in a way few authors are able to do. Romance and action combine to create a page turning tale set in a beautifully eclectic world of suspicion, super abilities, and monsters, Storm Siren is a story of power. And whoever controls that power will win.

Brock:  Mary thank you for taking the time to answer some of our questions about this exciting new series.

Mary: Brock, THANK YOU for letting me!!! What an absolute thrill!!!

Brock: I always like to start at the beginning, how did you come up with the concept for Storm Siren and the world of Faelen?

Mary: I was researching Joan of Arc one day (because she’s totally awesome!) and came across the old, hauntingly beautiful poem, “Saint Patrick’s Breastplate.” In one of its stanzas, Patrick is basically calling forth the elements to shield him, and I thought, “How cool would it be to incorporate those into a fantasy world?” That’s where the concept and setting came from. And then, of course, I spent days hashing it over with my sister (who’s brilliant at fantasy and plots) and my husband (who’s like this encyclopedia on all things superhero) until it came together.

As far as the heart of the story – that developed from the teen girls I work with as a youth pastor. I wanted to create a story they’d not only (hopefully) love, but would be empowered by. There’s so much in our culture throwing mixed messages at them about what strength and beauty are.  On one hand teen girls are encouraged to just “be themselves” but then they’re quickly heaped with a host of shallow expectations. In that way, Storm Siren is my shout out to them and the fact that each of them – that each of us – is born with unique value and destiny. And when we embrace that? We’re powerful. Beautiful. Unstoppable.

Brock: Mary what a great inspiration to write a story. I always feel like when I write for a reason and for an audience I care specifically for (in your case your youth group girls), the story really takes hold and God provides the inspiration. And when mentioning St. Patrick’s breastplate, I actually wrote the outline for Challenge on the Hill of Fire (Imagination Station #10) and was very intrigued by that part of St. Patrick’s story like you were. God can do some pretty amazing miracles when we fully trust in Him. Okay a creative challenge here, give us five individual words to describe the book?

Mary: For. People. Who. Like. Fun.

Brock: My kind of book then. Tell us about Nym and her unique ability, without giving away any spoilers of course.

Mary: Nym is an Elemental, born with the ability to summon storms and manipulate the weather. Technically, she’s not supposed to even exist since her kind have always been born male and automatically killed at birth (due to their level of power and a disturbing treaty her kingdom made long ago). Sadly, having never been taught to control her power, Nym believes she’s a curse rather than born for goodness.

Brock: And as our readers read the book, I think they’ll find confidence in their own purpose from Nym’s story. Would you please use five words to describe Nym?

Mary: Broken. Hungry-for-redemption. Powerful. Sarcastic-but-loyal. Tenderhearted.

Brock: Nym sounds like a character many of us could relate too very easily; perhaps aside from the powers to control the elements. Expound on the spiritual themes inlaid within the book.

Mary: Okay, so I honestly think all good stories have what I call the “thread of redemption” in them. And it’s something you’ll definitely find in Storm Siren. Other themes close to my heart are: Laying down one’s life for a friend, heart surrender, valuing life at every level, racial and social justice (including caring about the underprivileged and those with special needs), and embracing our God-designed destinies.

Brock: Powerful messages that fit so perfectly into our time. What do you want readers to take away from Storm Siren?

Mary: To quote John Eldredge in his book “Waking the Dead”: “You are not what you think you are. There is a glory to your life that your Enemy fears.”

Brock: Share with us the story of how you were published.

Mary: Short version: It took a village! (Thank you to my critique group, mentors, parents, sister, and husband!)

Long version: Before Storm Siren, I’d been writing a number of years and had recently shopped around an adult paranormal manuscript that racked up eighty-seven agent rejections and four rewrites. When a dear friend paid my way to the Mount Hermon Writers’ Conference, I was able to submit part of that paranormal MS (in brown ink because my printer broke – so classy I know) to the conference ahead of time. While there, Allen Arnold, the then-publisher for Thomas Nelson HarperCollins approached me and invited me to chat. He’d read my submission as well as my blog, and he broached the idea of writing YA. Shortly after, he introduced me to one of TN’s editors whom I began corresponding with. Over the course of six months I pitched two stories. They eventually bought the second, and I screamed like an excited, rabid banshee. :0)

Brock: Like you my first books were published without an agent and direct to the publisher. It’s an exciting experience but a lot of work. I have grown to appreciate what the agent is able to take off your plate. (You’re awesome Amanda L.) What does it feel like to see your book in print and know that your story is being shared with so many?

Brock: I’m not going to lie…I’ve been squealing a lot. And also a little terrified.

Brock: Yeah, I’ve got several selfies of my books and me, as well as a few pictures my wife snuck while I slept with my books cradled in my arms at night. How many books are planned for this series?

Mary: Three!!

Brock: So your husband should be ready for a bit more squealing, I’d say. Can you give us the tiniest of peeks into the next book?

Mary: Sure! We’re going to see Nym continue her internal journey of discovering who she is and what she was born for. We’re also going to see her face some very real challenges – including those involving her ability, Lord Myles, and Princess Rasha. Oh, and we get to travel to the Bron kingdom! There might be wraiths. Ahem.

Brock: Oh, well now I’m intrigued. I’ll need an ARC asap please. Which book are you working on?

Mary: I recently turned in book 2 and now I’m plotting out book 3. There may or may not be kissing.

Brock: Do you have a favorite drink and/or snack that you drink/eat while writing?

Mary: Okay, so I have this $40 espresso machine from Walmart that seriously makes THE BEST lattes. Before heading to my writing desk, I whip one of those babies up. I also keep a bag of almonds on hand because I tend to forget to eat while writing. Well…unless I’m stuck on a plot point. In which case all bets are off and I’m raiding the fridge like there’s no tomorrow. I’m not exactly proud of that.

Brock: The Latte thing I totally get, I make a mean Caramel Latte to start my sessions. And yes the forgetting to eat can seriously become an issue. You have a rather unique bio, can you explain a bit more about the unicorns you feed?

Mary: *laughs* The unicorns are rather pesky things – always interrupting with nonsense. Someone really should tame them.

Brock: Perhaps you could include a chapter on this in an upcoming book, or a blog post. Another intriguing question raised by your bio, how might one go about taking over a make-believe world?

Mary: I’m going to be honest – it takes time and a good theme song (preferably sung by a boy band). Oh, and a rockin’ 80’s costume.

Brock: So many questions to save for our next interview. What is your favorite thing to do at the ocean? Do you ever write while you are there?

Mary: Aww, I love this question! Okay so my favorite thing to do at the ocean is watch my kids play. They’re so carefree, jumping in the ocean spray and trying to force-feed poor, unsuspecting anemones.

Although as far as writing at the beach, I can’t. Mainly because I’m the most distractible person I know. I’m the girl who’s like, “Ooh look, a snow cone machine!” And “Oh-my-gosh – what if that surfer gets eaten by a SHARK?” That said, the ocean is most definitely my “walk-on-the-pier-with-my-husband-and-hash-out-plot-points” place. Books one and two would not exist if it weren’t for those dates. Or for my husband.

Brock: Mary thanks for sharing the great insight into the book and your life, our readers really appreciate it.

Mary: Thanks so much for the fun, Brock!! Loved doing this with you!

Brock: Check out Storm Siren at your local Christian retailer or wherever books are sold. You can find link at Mary’s website here.


Storm Siren:

“I raise my chin as the buyers stare. Yes. Look. You don’t want me. Because, eventually, accidentally, I will destroy you.”


In a world at war, a slave girl’s lethal curse could become one kingdom’s weapon of salvation. If the curse—and the girl—can be controlled.

As a slave in the war-weary kingdom of Faelen, seventeen-year-old Nym isn’t merely devoid of rights, her Elemental kind are only born male and always killed at birth—meaning, she shouldn’t even exist.

Standing on the auction block beneath smoke-drenched mountains, Nym faces her fifteenth sell. But when her hood is removed and her storm-summoning killing curse revealed, Nym is snatched up by a court advisor and given a choice: be trained as the weapon Faelen needs to win the war, or be killed.

Choosing the former, Nym is unleashed into a world of politics, bizarre parties, and rumors of an evil more sinister than she’s being prepared to fight . . . not to mention the handsome trainer whose dark secrets lie behind a mysterious ability to calm every lightning strike she summons.

But what if she doesn’t want to be the weapon they’ve all been waiting for?

Set in a beautifully eclectic world of suspicion, super abilities, and monsters, Storm Siren is a story of power. And whoever controls that power will win.

Siren’s Fury:

I thrust my hand toward the sky as my voice begs the Elemental inside me to waken and rise. But it’s no use. The curse I’ve spent my entire life abhorring—the thing I trained so hard to control—no longer exists.

Nym has saved Faelen only to discover that Draewulf stole everything she valued. Now he’s destroyed her Elemental storm-summoning ability as well.

When Nym sneaks off with a host of delegates to Bron, Lord Myles offers her the chance for a new kind of power and the whispered hope that it may do more than simply defeat the monster she loathes. But the secrets the Bron people have kept concealed, along with the horrors Draewulf has developed, may require more than simply harnessing a darker ability.

They may require who she is.

Set against the stark metallic backdrop of the Bron kingdom, Nym is faced with the chance to change the future.

Or was that Draewulf’s plan for her all along?

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Please review a book!

If you have read one of my books, please consider leaving a review. I’ve made it easy with the links below and you can copy and paste your review to each site so you won’t have to do any rewriting:

Amazon –


Mardel –

OverStock –

Lifeway –

Family Christian –

Barnes & Noble –

Books a Million –

Categories: Crimson Pulse Media, Sages of Darkness, The Quest For Truth | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Focus on the Family – Author Book Signing (8/9/2014)



Kindle Cover - Wasted Wood - 7-18-2014August 9th from 9:30 to 11:30 I will be signing books at the Focus on the Family bookstore with many other awesome authors. See the list below. But the most exciting news is that they will have print copies of Wasted Wood on hand to be purchased and signed. So come and by and get a copy. Address: 8605 Explorer Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80922.


Categories: Authors, Book Signing, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Summer Reading with Brock Eastman



Taken-Hi-ResRisk-HiRes_Cover_FinalUnleash - Hi-Res - Final Cover - Focus Logoimage001


Coming_Storm_Cover_for_Kindle (1)












The Quest for Truth is an action packed series about four kids who find themselves on a quest to rediscover a truth long lost. They must rescue their parents and avoid being captured by the Ubel and Corsairs. It’s the best of sci-fi and action adventure taking your kids on a journey they won’t forget. Books 1 thru 3 are available now, as well as a short story about a character you’ll quickly love named Obbin, book 4 and 5 coming in 2015. Enjoy the Quest!



Sages of Darkness

Sages of Darkness











Sages of Darkness will open your eyes to the battle between good and evil raging around you this very moment. Werewolves, swamp monsters, goblins, and vampires are some of the many dark demons Taylor must banish in his fight to protect the innocent around him. Book 1 is available now. Book 2 and 3 coming 2015.














Wasted Wood. Does your town have any creepy legends, haunted houses? Hudson and his friends are dared to enter the Wasted Wood and get passed the legendary Tree Troll that lives within. What will they find?













The Imagination Station series (Adventures in Odyssey) takes kids into the beloved world of Adventures in Odyssey and on exciting trips in the Imagination Station to explore Christian history. 18 books are planned so far. Start your journey now.


Categories: Adventures in Odyssey, Focus on the Family, The Quest For Truth | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Interview with Nancy I. Sanders

1 Book 10 cover 8925608_origWe recently had the pleasure of interviewing Nancy Sanders, author of the latest Imagination Station Book, Challenge on the Hill of Fire. I got the opportunity to have lunch with Nancy and her husband Jeff while they were out here, what a very cool couple they are! And it turns out Jeff really likes The Quest for Truth.

Q: Everyone seems to have a “how I got published” story. What is yours?

When I started out, I knew nothing about writing. I didn’t know how to format manuscripts or submit to publishers. I think one of the first manuscripts I ever submitted was handwritten in red pen on lined notebook paper and I mailed it to one of my favorite authors, asking them to publish it. Imagine! That’s how little I knew about the business of writing.

So if I can experience success as a writer and learn the skills of writing and learn about the business of getting published, anyone can!

Q: When did you realize you wanted to become a writer?

After our two sons, Dan and Ben, were born, I loved reading children’s books to them. I started thinking, “I could write one of these!” So I tried it and fell in love with writing children’s books. About a year later, I felt that God was calling me to be His scribe. So I started taking writing seriously as my purpose in life.

Q: Tell me a little about your books.

I’ve had over 80 books published by publishers big and small. Some have won big awards. Some haven’t won any awards at all. Some have made lots and lots of money (enough to help buy our house). Some haven’t made any money at all. Some have been bestsellers for their publishing houses. Some have gone out of print even before I received my author’s copies in the mail. :o) You can learn more about my books at my site:

Q: What was your favorite book as a teen?

Jane Eyre

Douglass cover medium

Q: What is the one author, living or dead, who you would like to co-write a book with someday, and why?

I’d love to co-write a book with Charlotte Brontë, the author of Jane Eyre. That’s because Charlotte had fun when she wrote, and I love to have fun, too! Charlotte and her sisters Emily and Anne loved to jot down notes on tiny scraps of paper. Their brother, Branwell, called this habit of theirs scribblemania. They even made miniature books and tiny magazines that are collector’s items today!

They’d also spend the evenings together reading their manuscripts aloud to each other, giving each other encouragement and feedback. Then they’d discuss ideas they had for the upcoming scenes in their novels. Plus, they’d spend time sitting together, each one writing their own manuscripts during the quiet evenings at their home in Yorkshire on the wind-swept moor.

I just think this whole writing process would be so much fun to do together with Charlotte!

Q: What do you want readers to take away from your articles and books?

I write for one purpose only. For my readers to meet Jesus, fall in love with Him, and want to spend every day with Him as their Lord and Savior here on earth and then in eternity.

Some articles and books I write to draw in the person who is totally lost and does not know Jesus at all. Other articles and books I write to draw in people who are searching so that they can find Jesus, the answer to all their questions. Other articles and books I write to draw in people who are Christians, but have either fallen away or don’t yet know what it’s like to live the abundant life and spend quality time with Jesus every day. And other articles and books I write to encourage Christians to run the race and fight the good fight by having a relationship so intimate with Jesus that it influences their entire identity. As a children’s writer, I’m always writing with kids in mind, but I’m also writing for their parents, teachers, and people of influence in their lives. Because those are the people who share my books with them.

with my writing buddies Sandman (orange) and Pitterpat (Siamese)Q: In what ways does your faith impact how you approach writing?

Faith drives every word I write. I don’t want to write anything that is on my own. I only want to write with God’s purpose and God’s intention and God’s heart. Even the books and articles that I write for the general market are written out of a purpose and a calling to write according to my marching orders from God.

That’s why I like to meet with God every day. I want to hear directly from Him regarding the writing I do. To learn more about how you can do this, too, visit my site One Hour Each Day at

You see, Jesus talked about writing very clearly in Matthew 23. The NKJV is especially insightful. Time after time, he said, “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” He repeated this phrase 6 times!

But then Jesus declares in Matthew 23:34, “Therefore indeed, I sent you wise men, prophets, and scribes.”

Obviously, according to Jesus, there are two different kinds of scribes. And if Jesus is sending forth one group of scribes, this implies that these scribes are people who hang out with Jesus. How else can He send them out?

So I want to be a scribe who hangs out with Jesus. Every day. I want to sit at His feet and listen to His words. I want to hear what’s on His heart for today and grasp the message He wants to send out for such a time as this.

And then I want to sit down and write and send His message to the world.

How does this translate to practical experience? I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve sat at Jesus’ feet reading the Bible and journaling my prayers to Him, and He’s given me an idea totally out of the blue for a potential writing project. And then when I contact an editor or publisher with that idea, they jump on it and offer me a contract. For instance, one time while I was meeting with Jesus, He gave me the idea for a new book. I called an editor I work with at a top publishing house in the general market and told her my idea. She said, “I just had a dream about that very idea last night! Yes! I want you to write that book!!!” Things like that have happened time and time again over my writing career.

Q: What can you tell us about your most recent books?HPIM3755

Three of my recently published books this past year include:

Frederick Douglass for Kids: His Life and Times With 21 Activities

Challenge on the Hill of Fire

Yes! You Can Learn How to Write Beginning Readers and Chapter Books

Frederick Douglass for Kids is one of the most awesome journeys I’ve ever taken as a writer! For starters, my husband Jeff and I got to take a two-week photo-research tour where we basically walked in Douglass’s footsteps from his birthplace to the place he was living when he died. Many of the photographs we took are in this book, making this book like no other book written about Frederick Douglass. Plus, Douglass is now my new American hero. What an amazing person he was! And his faith in God compelled him to do the things he did. He talks frankly about his faith in his autobiographies, so I was able to highlight this in my book about him, too. It’s the 2012 Silver NAPPA (National Parenting Publications) winner. You can visit its site for free teacher and parent materials at

In Challenge on the Hill of Fire, I got to take young readers on an exciting adventure to meet Patrick, who single-handedly followed God’s call to spread the Gospel in Ireland. How cool is that? Now only can kids read about this awesome man of faith, but my prayer is that they’ll be inspired to follow Patrick’s example and make a difference in their world for Jesus.

I decided to self-publish a second book in my Yes! You Can series of how-to books for children’s writers. I’ve written over 400 beginning reader stories that have been published over the years in a variety of venues, including the bestseller for Scholastic, 25 Read and Write Mini-Books That Teach Word Families. Yet every time I was struggling as a writer to write for the beginning reader market, I couldn’t find any how-to books to help me. So I decided to publish a book on my own to help other authors experience success in this market, too. You can read more about my book and how to purchase Yes! You Can Learn How to Write Beginning Readers and Chapter Books at my site,

Q: Coke or Pepsi?

I don’t like pop, so I’ve never had either. I much prefer coconut water, carrot juice, a fruit smoothie, or a refreshing bottle of spring water!

Q: Soft shell or Hard Shell tacos?

Taco salads, yummy!

Q: Favorite writing buddies?

My two cats, Sandman and Pitterpat. Lots of times when I sit down on the couch with my laptop for a writing session, I prop my feet up on the recliner, Pitterpat curls up at my feet, and Sandman snuggles up under my arm. They love to help me write. In fact, they even have their own website with all their favorite writing tips, Writing According to Humphrey and Friends! Check it out at

Q: Do you have a favorite Bible verse?

Every day I have a brand new favorite Bible verse!!!! My husband, Jeff, and I love to read the One Year Bible. We’ve been reading it for over 10 years now, I think. Yes cover front,jpgIn fact, now our whole church is reading it. Every day I have some new issue that I’m dealing with, and when I go read God’s daily dose of His Word, He always gives me the perfect verse to comfort me, encourage me, and anchor my hope upon. So today, my favorite Bible verse is…drumroll please…

Let the saints be joyful in glory;

Let them sing aloud on their beds.

Let the high praises of God be in their mouth,

And a two-edged sword in their hand,

To execute vengeance on the nations,

And punishments on the peoples’

To bind their kings with chains,

And their nobles with fetters of iron;

To execute on them the written judgment—

This honor have all His saints.

Praise the Lord!

-Psalm 149:5-7, NJKV

How’s that for a verse for us as writers?!!!

Q: Favorite pasta dish?

Eggplant Parmesan with whole wheat pasta and marinara sauce at Olive Garden. With their awesome garden salad, of course. All this favorite food stuff is making me hungry!

Q: Do you listen to music while you write? If so what are some examples?

Sometimes I like to choose a song or CD that’s my theme song for a particular book project I’m working on. Other times I like to write when it’s quiet so I can concentrate better.

Most writing days during my lunch break, I put on a worship CD and spend some time just worshipping God and thanking Him for His goodness. Often I’ll play worship CDs when I’m doing writing related tasks such as researching images or creating my bibliography or posting on my blog. All my worship CDs are on my iPod, so I love to listen to them all. Examples include Mercy Me, Hillsongs, Marty Goetz, and the Praise Songs. And when I get good news such as an offer for a book contract or an awesome book review, I always put on “Shouts of Joy,” from Paul Wilbur’s CD, The Watchman, and spend time with God giving him some shouts of joy!

You can listen to “Shouts of Joy” at this link:

To learn more about Nancy and her books you can check out her website: or her blog:

Categories: Adventures in Odyssey, Authors, Focus on the Family, Imagination Station, Interview, Interviews | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Where the Wild Things Are a Review of the book

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak is well as everyone has said time and time again, a masterpiece. How someone can take 10 sentences and a create an entire world that kids and adults have wanted to visit is a wonderful accomplishment. The illustrations are beautiful and bring to life these Wild Things and their home where Max arrives.

Overall the story is simple and the illustrations deep, the two pieces together provide the reader with an awesome experience in to a world we visit as kids, but lose into our adulthood. (Well some of us) Again to iterate the movie often captured these moments, but for its good parts, it should have lasted 30 minutes instead of 1 hour and 34 minutes. But back to the book. If you haven’t read it, I challenge you to do so. It’s quick, but it will get your mind thinking about all sorts of things. It will take you back to your childhood and the amazing adventures we often have when we are yet innocent.

And on a side note the picture book for the movie is actually pretty good, if anything the book captures the movies story line and delivers a simple story with elegant cinematography, much like the original book does with a simple story and rich illustrations.

Categories: Reviews | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

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