Posts Tagged With: Talk

Tangle Reenactment and Inspiration

IMAG1916Had some fun talking to a group of 20 students this morning about writing and inspiration. There is definitely more than one futureauthor in thegroup. There were short stories about alligator jerky, a mighty squirrel, and some tomato throwing. You may want to keep your eyes out for these stories when the release.

It’s always a pleasure to speak with students, let me know if you’d like me to come speak to yours.

Check out this fun reenactment of the cover scene from Tangle? Can you see the squid, Tiffany in Deep Blue, and Mason?

IMAG1920 (1)Tangle_Fullcolor

Categories: Sages of Darkness, Speaking, The Quest For Truth | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Want me to come speak to your school, writer’s group, or something else?



Why should you have me come speak?

I’m a dad, a husband, an author, AND I get to work on the amazing Adventures in Odyssey program as a content producer.

I want to come and speak to your class, school, library, homeschool group, or writing group.  Not only do I want to write books and share my stories, but I also want to motivate and excite students and adults to share their stories, encouraging them to create through the use of their own imaginations. I believe everyone has a story to tell; most people either do not know how or are not motivated to do it. Well, I want to help!

Why do I want to help? Because I was there!  As a student, I was interested in neither writing nor reading. I was a “C/B” student and did not pick up a book to read unless I HAD to.  Admittedly, I usually ended up skimming those books.  What I learned was that I missed out on many amazing stories. The time I lost NOT reading and NOT paying attention in class is coming back to haunt me.  I want to encourage young people to maximize and take advantage of the time they have now, as it will greatly benefit them in the future.

We have no way of knowing the path laid out before us.  If you would have asked me in elementary school what I wanted to be, I would have said a paleontologist.  In fact, I was the only 2nd grader in my school who could spell the word! Then, in middle school and high school, I chose a “real” career– aerospace engineering!  I loved math and was pretty good at it; however, something changed my junior year and I chose marketing.  I discovered that I had a more creative side that I wanted to let free.  Marketing took me to great places and gave me the opportunity to become an author, but that’s a story I’ll share with you when we meet.

I understand that budgets are limited, so the funds necessary to bring an author to your location may not be available. If that is your situation, we can use Skype, Google Hangout, or a simple conference call.  I’ve listed some prices below, but please do not hesitate to call and discuss with me if, for some reason, these prices are out of your range.  This is not about money; it is about a passion to share my story and motivate students. After all, they ARE our future!

I would even love to have lunch with the students in the cafeteria, or participate in P.E.  Just let me know to bring my gym shoes!


Here are some topics I like to speak about:

Why do I write? Why should you?

How can I come up with ideas for my story?

Dreaded writer’s block–How can I overcome it?

Time, time, when do I write?

Characters: How do they become real? Can characters surprise you?

Don’t put the book down.  How do you keep readers engaged throughout the entire book?

Why should you pay attention in class?  How will the things you learn NOW save you time LATER?

Finish the manuscript!

Read, read, read, and then read some more!

God’s story for each of us and His amazing path.

How did I (Brock) get published? And how can you?

If you have a topic you’d like me to speak on, let’s talk about it. I am happy to customize a talk to fit your group’s needs.

Email me at the address below if you are interested in having me speak to your class:

info (a) brockeastman (dot) com


Price List:

Colorado Springs:

No cost. I only ask for the ability to sell and sign books.

Colorado – Front Range:

*$50 to $75 to cover my gas and lunch

*The opportunity to sell and sign books


*$150 to $200 to cover gas, hotel, and lunch

*The opportunity to sell and sign books

Central Illinois:

*$200 to $300 to cover airfare and food

*The opportunity to sell and sign books

United States – 48 Contingent States:

*$500 to $750 to cover airfare, food, and hotel

*The ability to sell and sign books

United States – Hawaii, Alaska, Territories:

*$600 to $1200 to cover airfare, food, and hotel

*The opportunity to sell and sign books

Skype, Google Hangout, Conference Call:

*$0 to $100.

*I only request for the organizer to collect book sales prior to the speaking engagement, so that I can sign the books live and interact with the kids who have purchased the books.

Categories: Authors, Speaking | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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