Being a Daddy

29 Years

I turned 29 today. It’s hard not to look back and think… WOW.

WOW God has been so amazing to me. He has given me a lot of awesome opportunities, and many man wonderful people in my life.

I’m thankful of course for my dad, mom, and sister. For my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and many cousins. For all the extended family I had growing up. I was always surrounded by people who loved and encouraged me. People who guided me and placed God first in their lives.

God gave me a wonderful woman of Him and blessed me with two amazing children, who inspire me everyday. He has brought our little family to Colorado. He has given us a house and taken care of our every need. When I look at my wife and two girls, I can’t help but smile and feel joy rushing into my heart. This is what living is about. Being a husband, being a daddy…well those two titles are what give me the greatest happiness. With each smile, hug, kiss, or “I Love You,” it’s like receiving treasure. What could be more valuable?

He’s let me try my hand at owning an ice cream shop, running an online airsoft business. He got me through college, gave me a great internship. He sent me into marketing, He gave me my wife who strengthened me to take a job in Colorado. Before that He gave me the inspiration to write, though I had no skills in such a task and had no idea he’d use it 5 years later. He brought me to Focus and gave me a great job working with a brand I myself grew up on. And He gave me opportunities to get published. He surrounded me by amazing people who have taught me so much. And now at 29 He continues to amaze me with his continued outpouring of blessings.

I look back and see all the things He was doing, though I didn’t have the eyes to see them then. He weaved together a pattern to create who I am today. Though of course I know He isn’t done yet and for that I am thankful. One thing is for sure; when He is in control of our plan we have nothing to fear. When we let go He will take us to places we couldn’t have imagined were possible.

So at 29, what is the most significant thing I have learned?

Listen for and Trust God, He will surely guide your path. And that path leads to the greatest blessings.

So a birthday yes, but more than that a celebration and glimpse to what our Creator has done.

Categories: Adventures in Odyssey, Being a Daddy, Christian World View and Perspective, Colorado, Eureka, Family, Focus on the Family, My Baby, My Wife, P and R Publishing, Product Marketing, Small Town Charm, Taken, The Quest For Truth, Uncategorized, Writing | Tags: , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Ebooks, 3 Series, lots of fun and soon a contest!

The Kindle Editions for Taken and HowlSage are now available. Click on the cover images or on the titles above to check it out. Here is how you can help me out. If you’ve read either book please leave me a review on Amazon as well as on CBD and be sure to “Like” them using the social media buttons on the sites as well. This will go a long way for promoting the series. If you liked reading it then I imagine your friends will too.

I apologize to all my friends who come and read the blog, for my lack of posts an updates. I’m busy working on BlizzardSage (Book 2 – Sages of Darkness) right now, its due date is October 31st so your prayers and thoughts are certainly desired. And I just finished Risk (Book 2- The Quest for Truth), which is with the editing team right now.

But most of all I just welcomed my beautiful daughter, Elsie Mae, into the world on June 20th. What a celebration to have two beautiful children. So I thank you for your understanding and prayers.

If you’ve enjoyed any of my books, or I had the pleasure of meeting you at ICRS in Atlanta, or Peoria, IL for my book launch please comment below and say hey. I’ll be having many more signings soon, including one in Colorado Springs at Mardel October 15th, time TBD. Please come out and say hey to me there.

On another note I have a Clubhouse story taken from Taken, but from Obbin’s point of view, coming out in Jan/Feb. I hope you’ll all pick up a copy or subscribe to Clubhouse Magazine so you can get the article.

Last I want to mention that Showdown with the Shepherd, the fifth book in the new Adventures in Odyssey Imagination Station series is now out and available for sale. I’d love for you toe review that on Amazon an CBD as well, and be sure to “Like” it too.

I hope I get many more years of writing and many more books, but you readers and fans are so important to that. Please take a moment and let me know what you think of my writing as well as what you look for from an author in terms of contact, availability, story. Why do you visit my blog?

Categories: Adventures in Odyssey, Being a Daddy, Destiny Image, Focus on the Family, Imagination Station, P and R Publishing, Sages of Darkness, The Quest For Truth, Tyndale | Leave a comment

Courageous from Sherwood Pictures (Creators of Fire Proof)

On Tuesday night my wife and I were able to go see the new Sherwood Pictures film, Courageous. Sherwood Pictures are the makers of Fireproof, Facing the Giants, and Flywheel.

While I can’t say to much at this point, I was very impressed with the movie. Ken Bevel (Fireproof), Robert Amaya, and Jim McBride (Facing the Giants) were on hand from the movie to host us.

I laughed, I cried multiple times, and overall thought the message was clear, the action was great, and the impact will be amazing. Look for this in theaters September 2011. I also enjoyed a few cameo roles from people as well as mentions to prior films. They’ve raised the bar even farther with this film.

As you can tell from the information on the website, the movie is about fatherhood and officer’s of the law. But the angles and story lines provided over the main characters is so wide ranging there is little doubt, a moviegoer won’t find something to relate to (men and women).

Categories: Being a Daddy, Focus on the Family, Movies | 11 Comments

Happy Birthday Kinley! and some pics from your 1 year photos with Ember Mae Photography

Happy Birthday my darling daughter! You are so awesome and just at one growing up so quickly.

While in Eureka we also got pictures for my daughter
Kinley’s 1st birthday and a few family shots.

Kinley has blessed, mine and my wife’s life so much in just a year. She’s a vibrant bundle of energy. Walking, Talking, and Laughing all the time. I thank God for the wonderful gift he gave me!

Categories: Being a Daddy, Eureka, Eureka Lake, Family, Marriage, My Baby, Parenting | 1 Comment

What will come of today?

I am working on a story for David and Goliath and a story for Jonah. Both for different projects and different reasons.

Wow there is so much to do.

Thanks God for a supportive wife and a great daughter.

Categories: Being a Daddy, Eureka, Family, Just 4 Fun, Writing | Leave a comment

The waiting game…

I’m just waiting to hear from the publishers right now. Wondering what are they thinking of my manuscript, and the two proposals.

I am 90% confident that I will be getting a proposal shortly for my YA fiction series, but it may be for 3 books instead of the proposed 5. I’m hoping I get a bite on my other series that I am still in development on. Its focus is the Imagination. What a cool place to be, especially when I get to write for a character at age 10.

Also just got finished with a week in St. Louis for ICRS, followed up by a week with my sister, her husband and their two little girls. Rafting, Hiking, Driving, Touring. It was a busy 2 weeks, and now it’s back to work on Monday. Life can be exhausting, but you have to love every moment of what God gives you.

What am I doing this moment? Watching the new Kevin Leman Live DVD. This is like my 3rd time through. A product that we did at Focus, so I had to watch rough cuts and other review cuts. Anyhow I’m watching it again now.

Sorry for the rambling I just needed to post and ramble.

Categories: Authors, Being a Daddy, Colorado, Family, Focus on the Family, ICRS, Just 4 Fun, My Baby, Product Marketing, St. Louis, Taken, The Quest For Truth, Writing | Leave a comment

Categories: Being a Daddy | 1 Comment

Vote for Kinley!

I just entered Kinley in the “Parenting – Baby and Child Model Search contest” and we need your vote to help us win!

You can view my entry and vote for me here:
Thanks and wish me luck!


Categories: Being a Daddy | Leave a comment

Tim Tebow Ad – Sorry critics it wasn’t what you thought

Focus on the Family Pro-Life Tim Tebow Super Bowl Commercial (Pre-Game)

by Steven Ertelt Editor
February 7
, 2010

(Editor’s Note: This is the pre-game Super Bowl commercial. The second ad Focus on the Family is running. The in-game Tebow commercial has not been released).

Washington, DC ( — The Focus on the Family Super Bowl commercials featuring Tim Tebow and his mother Pam has been the subject of national attention for weeks. Below, has obtained the video and text of the pre-game 30-second Super Bowl commercial with Pam Tebow sharing her story of not having an abortion.

PAM TEBOW: I call him my miracle baby. He almost didn’t make it into this world. I remember so many times when I almost lost him. It was so hard. Well he’s all grown up now, and I still worry about his health. Everybody treats him like he’s different, but to me, he’s just my baby. He’s my Timmy, and I love him.

TIM TEBOW: Thanks mom. Love you too.

The ad closes with text urging Super Bowl watchers to visit the Focus on the Family web site at for the full Tebow birth story.

Two polls have found Americans strongly support the pro-life commercial.

A Marist Poll published this past week showed 60 percent of Americans agreed with CBS’ decision to air the ad while just 30 percent said no and 10 percent were undecided.

And a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 45% of Americans who plan to watch Super Bowl XLIV agree with CBS’ decision to run a pro-life advertisement featuring Tebow during today’s game.

Another 30 percent disagree with the decision to run the ad prepared by Focus on the Family and another 25 percent are unsure.

Focus on the family has prepared two ads — one version airing before the Super Bowl and one during the game — which tell the story of Tim Tebow’s birth. His mother, Pam Tebow, was advised by a doctor to consider an abortion because she was taking heavy medication after suffering from dysentery during a missions trip to the Philippines.

Pam Tebow refused and Tebow went on to become the Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback who led the Florida Gators to become the NCAA college football national champions.

However, pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood, NARAL and NOW attacked the ad and generated considerable controversy and attention for it.

The Rasmussen poll found that 49% of Super Bowl watchers say they have followed news stories about the ad at least somewhat closely. But 50% say they haven’t followed the news about it closely, if at all.

Super Bowl viewers 30 to 49 are much more supportive of CBS allowing the commercial to than those in any other age group, according to Rasmussen; but, the Marist poll found younger Americans were the most supportive.

Related web sites:
Support Tebow’s Super Bowl Ad –

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Categories: Being a Daddy, Christian World View and Perspective, Family, Focus on the Family, Parenting, Product Marketing, Super Bowl, Thriving Family, TrueU, United States | 1 Comment

Seeing a new Life: From a father’s eyes

I wrote this along time ago… Well not that long ago, but a while and I wanted to post it. Because of everything that has gone on with my precious daughter.

Seeing a new Life: From a father’s eyes

My name is Brock Eastman and I am a dad. My wife, Ashley, and I found out on January 19th, 2009 that we were given one of God’s greatest blessings on a man and woman, the blessing of a new Life.

I remember the excitement that rushed through my body as we waited for the pregnancy test results. Clearly printed on the little digital screen was the word Pregnant. My heart leapt and yet the weight of the world fell onto my shoulders. We were at that moment officially parents and this unborn child would look to us for all its needs. Were we ready?

My wife and I had just celebrated our one year anniversary on December 28th, 2008. We had seen a lot of change already in our lives. I graduated in May of 2007 and she was still finishing up her degree. We had accepted a position with Focus in March of 2008 and for us this meant a lot of change. We would both be leaving the place we called home for twenty three plus years and would be venturing out together, away from family and friends. It was exciting because for me I had never been very independent, and I now had the Love of my life to lean on and to set out on this adventure with. We felt this move would be an excellent way to start our marriage, as we would be encouraged to rely on each other for all of our needs. It was only five months into our marriage when we packed up all of our belongings and set out for Colorado.

Skip forward eight months. My wife and I were standing in the bathroom looking at a positive pregnancy test. Positive we were pregnant and a positive moment in our life. We embraced and I kissed the top of her head. “We’re going to be parents,” I said with smile.

Immediately, my wife began the search for an OBGYN and set up our first appointment. We knew our child was inside, but for many couples this first appointment can mean that they may never meet that child. We hoped and prayed for our baby that all was well and as it should be. If you think about the amount of things that have to happen just right, it can be scary. But the Truth is, our designer the creator of all, knew exactly what he was doing. He knew how every small piece would work together. He was in total control and Ashley and I had to remember, that all was for his purpose and glory.

At eight weeks we had the first chance to see and possibly hear our baby. When the sonographer wiped the jelly on my wife’s stomach, my heart skipped for a moment. This was the moment of truth, the moment we would know if this pregnancy would continue. Moments later, the sonographer had centered in on what she needed to find. Sure enough baby was right where it belonged. For my wife and I, there wasn’t much to see, but for the sonographer, she could collect some vital information that she needed at just eight weeks. The thought crossed my mind, how can anyone doubt that Life begins at conception. I thought this was a defining moment for me, but then the sonographer changed over to capture the heartbeat. I melted. At eight weeks we heard the thump, thump, thump of my baby’s heartbeat. It was so clear and crisp. I didn’t know, they didn’t teach me that in school. Our baby was the size of a kidney bean, but the beat, the beat of Life was in my child. The proof was there, I heard it with my own ears and I saw it with my own eyes.

Ashley and I left that appointment feeling pretty good. We were excited and now we had a picture of our baby, our first picture. We immediately sent it out to all we could to share the joy we were feeling inside. The joy that comes from knowing that with God, Life has been created. It is one of the most visual blessings God can bestow on us, because there it is, the proof of his providence: a child to hold, to listen to, to play with, to teach, to pray for, and to love.

We knew then that we had a lot to accomplish in seven months. It also hit us that we were so far away from our family. We wanted to share in the joy with them and to have them with us for the many milestones along the way, but they were over a thousand miles from us. We considered moving home, even looked into several job opportunities for me, but God wasn’t done with us out here. He provided for us in ways we weren’t expecting, but should we have been? He had just given us a miracle and yet our faith that he would provide seemed to be lacking. Our baby was a reminder for us; it was our little piece of heaven.

As we continued to have our appointments we watched as our baby developed further and further. We sat at one appointment and watched for ten minutes while the baby sat and stood, sat and stood, waving its arms all over and kicking its feet. In this sonogram at fifteen weeks, everything was so clear. The head, the spine, the arms and legs. Our baby was being very active and watching, I could picture baby in my arms or crawling across the floor. I saw our baby playing with other children, kneeling by the bed praying, kissing my cheek. This child was here and real.

I thought about all those who never experience the breath of fresh air. I thought about the battle raging over when Life begins, and I can say one hundred percent without a doubt it begins at conception. From that moment when the sperm finds the egg, the clock starts ticking and that little Life has started down a path. For without our intervention, God has provided a plan for that Life and it will grow and grow and grow.

At twenty eight weeks, Ashley and I were able to get a picture of what our baby will look like. With the new technology of 3D sonograms, we were able to see our baby’s nose, ears, lips, eyes, etc. I look back at that first sonogram picture, I listen to the heart beat on the little video I have. I see where baby was and where baby is. This is Life, this is one of God’s greatest blessings in my opinion.

It doesn’t matter to me what your position is, but if only you could hear that heartbeat. That moment at only eight weeks where you can see nothing more than a small spec the size of a kidney bean, but you hear the thump, thump, thump of the racing heartbeat is life changing. The moment when you can see the pictures of your baby’s face before they leave the womb, you know in your heart how that child started twenty weeks ago.

For my wife and I, our Life will never be the same. We’ve been asked by God to provide this child a safe and loving home: a place where baby can grow up knowing its Creator and knowing what God may have in store for its life. It’s a heavy responsibility, but again God provides all we need if only we have the slightest Faith in him. Look at the beauty around us of his Glorious creation.

Brock D. Eastman


Kinley Grace Eastman at almost 9 weeks:

Categories: Being a Daddy, Family, My Baby, Parenting | Leave a comment

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