Posts Tagged With: Colorado

29 Years

I turned 29 today. It’s hard not to look back and think… WOW.

WOW God has been so amazing to me. He has given me a lot of awesome opportunities, and many man wonderful people in my life.

I’m thankful of course for my dad, mom, and sister. For my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and many cousins. For all the extended family I had growing up. I was always surrounded by people who loved and encouraged me. People who guided me and placed God first in their lives.

God gave me a wonderful woman of Him and blessed me with two amazing children, who inspire me everyday. He has brought our little family to Colorado. He has given us a house and taken care of our every need. When I look at my wife and two girls, I can’t help but smile and feel joy rushing into my heart. This is what living is about. Being a husband, being a daddy…well those two titles are what give me the greatest happiness. With each smile, hug, kiss, or “I Love You,” it’s like receiving treasure. What could be more valuable?

He’s let me try my hand at owning an ice cream shop, running an online airsoft business. He got me through college, gave me a great internship. He sent me into marketing, He gave me my wife who strengthened me to take a job in Colorado. Before that He gave me the inspiration to write, though I had no skills in such a task and had no idea he’d use it 5 years later. He brought me to Focus and gave me a great job working with a brand I myself grew up on. And He gave me opportunities to get published. He surrounded me by amazing people who have taught me so much. And now at 29 He continues to amaze me with his continued outpouring of blessings.

I look back and see all the things He was doing, though I didn’t have the eyes to see them then. He weaved together a pattern to create who I am today. Though of course I know He isn’t done yet and for that I am thankful. One thing is for sure; when He is in control of our plan we have nothing to fear. When we let go He will take us to places we couldn’t have imagined were possible.

So at 29, what is the most significant thing I have learned?

Listen for and Trust God, He will surely guide your path. And that path leads to the greatest blessings.

So a birthday yes, but more than that a celebration and glimpse to what our Creator has done.

Categories: Adventures in Odyssey, Being a Daddy, Christian World View and Perspective, Colorado, Eureka, Family, Focus on the Family, My Baby, My Wife, P and R Publishing, Product Marketing, Small Town Charm, Taken, The Quest For Truth, Uncategorized, Writing | Tags: , , , , , , | 3 Comments

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